Friday, February 27, 2015

Why Should You Consider Getting An Air Conditioner Tune-Up?

A tune-up service for your air conditioning system will help with the operational effectiveness and efficiency, as well as the safety of your system. If your motor is dirty or not lubricated the way it needs to be, it could overheat. If the system overheats, it can break down, and then you will have to call a technician to complete potentially costly repairs. If the coolant level is low, you will not have the effective cooling and humidification that you need from your air conditioning system. When your air conditioner is checked ahead of time by a licensed technician, all of those potential issues will be checked so you will not have any major issues when you finally turn on your air conditioner.

There are several reasons why a professional should check your air conditioning system:

  • When your system is maintained properly, you will not have to constantly schedule repairs because your system keeps failing and breaking down.
  • When your air conditioner is working at peak efficiency, you will enjoy the benefits of a decrease in your energy costs.
  • Your family will breathe healthier air when the air conditioner is running because you will not have the same old filters.
  • When the motor and other parts are properly lubricated, you will not hear those unwanted air conditioner noises throughout the day.

When it comes to cooling your home and having an efficient system, you do not want to wait until the last minute. Your air conditioner may be begging you for a tune-up; don't ignore it until it’s too late. Call your local Naples FL air conditioning service contractor today.

Why Is Your Furnace Making So Much Noise?

Rattling And Clanging

If you are hearing rattling and clanging, you could possibly have loose pipes in your home. If the noise you hear is a rattling sound, you may have loose ductwork. There is also a chance that your furnace is not on a solid surface. When you turn off the furnace and you hear rattling, this could be the sound of the parts cooling off.


If you hear a scraping sound, there could be a problem with the motor or the blower wheel. The blower wheel may be broken or it may be loose. The motor mount could also be broken, and this will result in the blower assembly dropping.

Some of these annoying noises may not be as serious or dangerous as they may sound, but that does not mean you should ignore them. You need to get the problem fixed as quickly as you can, so that it doesn't escalate into a major problem. When you have you have furnace maintenance in Atlanta GA performed on a regular basis, you will be more aware of what sounds are common and what sounds are not.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hot Water Heater Tips and Other Water Usage Tricks That Save Money: Part 2

Hot water heaters eat up a lot of energy. One reason has to do with the fact one gallon of water requires over three thousand times more energy to heat than an equivalent volume of air does. That's why it takes a few minutes to heat up a cup of water on your stove even though the air immediately above your stove gets hot almost immediately. While you can't change the laws of physics to bring your water heating bills down, there are a number of practical tips you can use to save money.

Fix Leaky Faucets
Water loss from a dripping faucet adds up over time. In fact, you can lose several gallons of hot water a month from a leaky faucet.

Use Low-Flow Showerheads
Old style showerheads can use up to 10 gallons per minute more hot water than necessary. This one inexpensive and simple change will have a dramatic effect on your energy bills.

Call your local Willoughby OH heating contractor today to learn more. 

A Bad Furnace Installation: What's The Worst That Could Happen?

We all enjoy saving money, and it does not matter what we save money on, as long as we are saving. When it comes to saving money for your home, especially your heating, you have several options to consider. You can upgrade your thermostat, make sure your insulation gets improvements when needed, seal your windows, or replace that old water heater. However, you should not hire a beginner or an amateur when it comes to your furnace installation in Scottsdale AZ.

You need a licensed professional to come into your home for your furnace installation. If you have a gas furnace, there are certain codes that may not permit anyone but a licensed professional to do the job. Besides the legal aspect, you will want a professional to install your furnace so you can avoid any tragedies in your home.