Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Do Not Neglect Your Air Conditioner, Always Give It A Little TLC

There are not many things that are better than walking out of the hot weather and into your home that has a working air conditioning system. However, many of us do not really think about air conditioning until it is steaming hot outside and we need to turn it on.

You may not realize this or think about this, but about five percent of your air conditioner's efficiency will be lost ever year as the years go on. The parts of you will wear down and become weaker as times goes on and you will eventually need air conditioning service in Orlando FL.

When you do not seek regular maintenance services, you may end up paying a large bill to fix your system when it breaks down or you will have to pay a significant amount of money to replace it. When you give your air conditioner some love and some TLC a couple of times during the year, you may be surprised with how much money you can save. You can also get rid of those headaches that you have every year when you have to deal with your air conditioner that does not always work properly.

We are sure you already know how high your electric bill can be during the months when the weather is hot. Your air conditioner uses a significant amount of power.

Every year that you use your air conditioner without making sure it receives maintenance, it will begin to pull more and more power. If your air conditioner is one of the energy-efficient systems your air conditioner can still have wear and tear if you have not maintained it properly.

When you think about it, it costs a great deal of money to repair your system than it does to maintain the air conditioning system. If you neglect your air conditioner, it will catch up with you sooner or later. If you do not care for your air conditioner system, then guess when it will likely break down? When the temperatures are extremely hot.

If you make the investment now to have your air conditioner maintained, then you will be able to keep some money in your pocket to use for other things in the future. Call your local Parkland FL air conditioning pro today!

Homeowners Should Check Their Air Conditioning to Make Sure it Works (Part 2)

Is the Unit Blocked?
Leaves, mown grass, debris blown by the wind and weeds love to snuggle up to your outdoor unit. They also block the flow of air meant to cool your house. Rake away and bag up any debris around the unit. Sometimes hosing off the unit will remove dirt inside the unit. If it doesn’t, use a wet cloth to wipe down the fan blades and coils. Home improvement stores and hardware stores sell commercially prepared cleansers for this purpose if wet cloths don’t do it.

Has the Unit Been Tuned Up?
You wouldn’t run your car into the ground without having a mechanic giving it regular tune-ups, would you? Why would you do that with your air conditioning in Smithtown NY? A properly tuned and maintained air conditioner will turn on every time and deliver cool air all day. Right now would be a good time to get the pros to do maintenance on your unit. When summer comes, you can flip the switch without worrying that the unit won’t come on. If it seems ludicrous to check out the air conditioner in single-digit weather, it would be just as bad to wait until one hundred degree weather to find out there is a problem.

Be sure to contact your local air conditioning Bakersfield CA experts today!

Homeowners Should Check Their Air Conditioning to Make Sure it Works (Part 1)

You’re hanging out in the family room, watching TV shows about tropical islands, snuggled beneath a blanket and wearing fuzzy house slippers. Armed with an IV drip of hot chocolate and a bowl the size of Texas filled with popcorn, you gaze out the window. The whiteness of it all makes you wonder if tropical breezes will ever blow your way again.

Thinking about tropical breezes doesn’t seem to make homeowners think of air conditioning maintenance in Atlanta GA, though. They joyfully change from sweatpants to shorts once the weather warms up, and kick on the air conditioner expecting all to be well, and cold air to come rushing out.

Make sure to complete the following preparatory checklist well before the hot air replaces the chill of winter, or you’ll be missing those chilly days when your air conditioner isn’t working in the dead of summer.

Does It Work?
Before breaking out the flip-flops, turn on the air conditioning, and check to see if any air at all is coming out of the vents. Check to see if any odd noises happen or if the unit takes a while to decide to turn on. Call your local air conditioning contractor if you notice anything wrong, and they will perform routine maintenance to get you back to flip-flop status.

Did You Check the Filter?
People don’t realize just how important that cardboard square actually is. A clean filter keeps the air filtered of allergens, dirt, dust and other pathogens to keep from irritating allergic family members or asthmatics. Dirty ones keep air from circulating and make the unit work harder. That means the power bill will increase, and you will probably notice a decline in the efficiency of your unit. Some filters can be vacuumed or washed, while others are the use-and-toss kind. Either way, the filter is very important to your air conditioner running efficiently.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Top 3 Things You Need to Know About Air Conditioning

Having air conditioning is a wonderful thing, particularly for those who live in extremely humid climates. But with having air conditioning, one should have a basic knowledge of how it works and how to best use it. This post will discuss the top three things you need to know about air conditioning.

Know How to Maintain Your System
Most air conditioning systems have filters that can easily be replaced by consumers. Some systems however, are a bit more complex and should only be handled by professionals. Know the difference between the various systems and understand what you have so you know whether you can handle a  job such as air conditioning repair in Tampa FL yourself or if you should call in a pro.

Understand the Basics of How Air Conditioning Works
Many people have air conditioning in their homes, yet have no idea how it works. Having a basic knowledge of how it operates will aid you immensely if anything ever goes wrong. Air conditioning works to push the heat outside of your home, thus providing a cooler temperature. An air conditioner will blow cooler air into your home and "suck" the hot air out. Informing yourself on the basic parts of an air conditioner will help you determine whether any issue that arises is small enough for you to figure out or if having professional repair is necessary.

Watch Out for a Duct Leakage
A common issue that could arise with your air conditioner is a duct leakage. This is often what is responsible for an air conditioner not producing enough cool air. Make sure to regularly check your ducts for leakage and call a Bonita Springs FL air conditioning professional to repair and seal any leaks.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Do You Know How To Choose The Right Air Conditioning Service Provider?

Before these hot and steamy months come upon us, it’s probably a good idea to start choosing an air conditioning service company cooling needs this summer! You may think that this will be an easy decision, but you might need to put forth some time and effort to find the right service that will meet the needs of your home.

What Is The Reputation?
You should not overlook a company's reputation. You should be aware of any reviews that a company may have posted themselves because they may not always be true. One of the ways that you can find out what the company's reputation may be is by asking to see reviews from actual customers or even use a search engine to search for reviews online. You may also want to ask your friends and your family members what company they have used.

What Is The Level Of Experience?
When you looked at the website to see how much experience the company has with AC units, how many years was it? When you’re considering having a technician install or repair an air conditioner, you will want to make sure that person has enough training to work on your equipment.

You will also want someone who is officially licensed and certified. When you are speaking with an air conditioning service company, you can ask for proof of their certification and licenses.

When dealing with any company, one of the most important things to consider is the level of customer service they provide. If you choose this company, you will likely have to deal with them for several years, especially when you need maintenance and repairs. Any question you ask them, you should receive an answer.

If you follow these tips, you can be on your way to having a cool and comfortable home this summer! Call your local Scottsdale AZ air conditioning contractor for more info!

Air Conditioning Misconceptions That You May Have Heard

With our current weather conditions and the weather that is ahead, air conditioning is a necessity for many of us. Many people want to have all of the inside scoop about air conditioning installation in Maple Shade NJ. It can be someone from a commercial, an online article, or a magazine article, many people think they know everything they need to about staying cool inside and keeping money in their pockets.

However, there are plenty misconceptions about air conditioning, and they can certainly be misleading.

Misconception 1: I Can Change My Air Conditioner's Air Filter Just Once A Year
It is recommended that our air conditioner filter is change at a minimum of every three months. Some choose to change the filters on a monthly basis. If your home has pets or if someone in your home has allergies, then you should replace your filter as regularly as possible.
If you have a dirty air filter, you can certainly inhibit the flow of air. Your air conditioner will then have to work harder to produce the air. The extra energy will mean your air conditioner may suffer an early demise.

Misconception 2: If I Change The Air Conditioner Setting, My Home Will Cool Quicker
Air conditioners will cool your home regardless of the setting that it is own. Your air conditioner will reach the certain temperature no matter how fast you want your home to cool. Many air conditioners just operate on a set speed. You will also find that some air conditioners will have a low setting, medium setting, and high setting.

Misconception 3: I Do Not Have To Call A Technician Until Something Is Wrong
You should never think this way. One of the best ways to ensure that your air conditioner does not have problems is by using preventative maintenance. You can inspect your air conditioner yourself, or you can call a technician to inspect your air conditioner for you. When the weather becomes hotter and hotter, you should have routine maintenance. If you need a professional diagnosis, you should certainly contact a professional technician.

Do not let incorrect information cause you to have to constantly repair or replace your air conditioner. You want to save money and remain cool during those extremely hot days so call your local Reston VA air conditioning contractor.