Monday, August 27, 2018

Why Now is the Time to Think About Air Conditioning Repair

Many people are now gearing up for the fall and winter months, and air conditioning repair may be the furthest thing from your mind. In fact, you're probably thinking about a heating system tune up before the chill sets in. While that is also a great idea to get ready for the upcoming months, this is also the perfect time to service your air conditioning unit as well!

Nobody wants to bring their air conditioner to life on the first hot day of the year only to find that something is wrong with it. The first hot day of the year tends to be the worst after months of freezing temperatures! By servicing your AC at the end of its busiest season though, you can ensure that it's in top shape for when you need it next year, saving yourself a future headache with a deadline. So what are you waiting for? Contact an Air Conditioning Service in Bonita Springs FL.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Hidden Benefits of Regular AC Maintenance

When you have a maintenance plan with your AC service provider, the following benefits provided by the Annual Maintenance Plan often goes overlooked:

 - Priority service as a valued plan holder (including waived service call fees).
 - Technicians that KNOW your system. They're not wasting time trying to figure it out.
 - Waived fees for parts and labor on covered repairs (usually with premium plans).
 - Exclusive Plan Holder discounts.

Contact an expert in Sugar Land TX air conditioning repair and maintenance today to set up a plan so that you can avoid disaster with your HVAC system!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Benefit of a Programmable Thermostat

It’s no secret that heating and cooling costs account for the bulk amount of your home’s energy bill. Making the transition from a manual thermostat to a programmable thermostat will benefit your wallet, your home, and your comfort levels. Programmable thermostats have become more standard in homes across the nation, and for good reason! Here are some reasons why should you consider an upgrade to a programmable thermostat:

-- Saving Money on Energy Costs: The biggest benefit of installing a programmable thermostat is the cost savings it will bring you. With a programmable thermostat, you can adjust the temperature to the exact point of your comfort level, helping you reduce your energy use. You will no longer have to keep your AC or heat on high while you’re not home. You can create a personalized schedule for your family’s routine, and keep temperatures warm or cool while you’re home, but ease up energy use when you’re not home.

If you have any additional questions about programmable thermostats, or other services please contact a professional in AC Installation in Tavares FL.

Create a Multi-Layered Heat Environment

Heating can be expensive. Even if you've taken all the steps on insulation, energy-efficient heating, and catching all the drafty spots near your windows, it can feel like all of that energy is going somewhere besides in your direction. The best thing to do, especially if you have a large house or spend most of your time in one room, is create a smaller area with more direct heat. However, for your bigger projects, make sure you get in touch with an HVAC Contractor in Willoughby OH.

If you're remembering the clunky boxes full of a glowing coils that scream fire hazard, you don't have to worry. There are a wide variety of models available that have different heat ranges, settings, and even safety rankings. Space heaters pump out heat right where you want it, whether you set the device at your feet because air rises or by your hands because typing with cold fingers is a challenge. While it's not efficient to heat your house up with multiple space heaters, it is efficient to lower your thermostat to a house-safe temperature and only heat up the area you're using to a comfortable range.