Monday, August 17, 2015

Higher Energy Bills can be Resolved with Preventative Heating Service

Winter can be a troublesome time for many people. It's tough to balance staying warm with keeping your finances in check. Here are a few ways you can decrease the cost of keeping a house warm and your heating in Lincoln NE.

Check out the insulation situation in the attic. The general rule is that 11 inches of fiberglass or rock wool insulation is enough to improve the temperature in a home or eight inches of cellulose insulation in the attic and the floor will do the same. If there isn’t enough insulation, add some and it is likely to find an immediate and positive impact in the cost to keep a home warm, as well as the comfort level of the house.

Finally, for those who haven’t done so yet, for optimal efficiency, set the thermostat at 68 degrees during the day and 60 degrees over-night. By setting the thermostat at this optimal temperature, most homeowners could expect to save around $100 a year.

Often marketers push their duct cleaning services and how that can save money. Ductwork doesn’t get clogged very often, but it can possibly become moldy or dusty and affect air quality. As a part of preventative maintenance, have your furnace repair company check out the ductwork in your home. It probably won’t save you any money, but it might save you from breathing problems.

Death, taxes, and bills are all things that we know we’re going to have to deal with eventually. One of the things we can do is trying to keep our bills as low as possible through preventative maintenance. By doing this we can keep our bills relatively low, and we can keep our homes comfortable.

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