Monday, October 29, 2018

HVAC Comfort - Tricks to All Year Comfort and Savings

When the weather is in the high to mid-70s, air conditioners run fewer cycles. If you haven't already, pretty soon you’ll be changing the setting on your thermostat to reflect heat inside of cool. However, before you do so, make sure you hire an Air Conditioning Service in Altamonte Springs FL to perform routine maintenance and apply fixes that improve year-round comfort. 

In conjunction with routine maintenance, there are measures you can take as well to lowering your heating and cooling bills. For example, ceiling fans aren't just for cooling. In winter, set your ceiling fan to spin clockwise. This will create an updraft and push the warmer air near the ceiling downward, making the room feel warmer.

Lower Your Commercial Heating Bill This Winter

Now that fall has arrived and winter is around the corner, it's time to start thinking of ways to save money on heating. Here are a few ways to keep your building warm this winter and keep your heating costs down. However, if you do notice that your building needs Commercial HVAC Repair in Grand Rapids MI, contact a professional today.
By turning your thermostat down 7° to 10° F for eight hours per day, you can save up to 10% per year on heating and cooling. Wear warm clothing instead of cranking up the heat. Wear warms socks around the house; your whole body will feel colder if your feet are cold.
Heat often escapes through doors and windows. Caulk windows and install weather stripping to keep warm air inside your home and keep cold air out. Warm air can also escape through your chimney. If your home has a fireplace, make sure to keep the damper closed when it's not being used.

3 Reasons You Need Heating Repair Now Instead of Later

Repairing your heater now will reduce your monthly bills come winter. Cleaning vents and replacing worn parts increases the furnace's efficiency. This leads to improved airflow throughout the house and less need to raise the thermostat's temperature to stay warm.

A poorly maintained heater could lead to severe consequences for your family. Gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning are two situations which can cause illness and even death if not quickly detected. Hiring a Heating Repair professional in Painesville OH now instead of later helps to pinpoint those issues and make the necessary corrections. In the end, it provides peace of mind that your family will be safe over the winter months.

The average life of a modern furnace is 10-15 years, and it could be longer for milder areas of the country. But to keep it that long it needs to be repaired when needed. If not, the parts which rely on the damaged component may start to fail quicker. By then, it could cost less to replace the entire unit than to swap out the damaged parts.

Why You Shouldn't Wait to Schedule Your Heating Repair

The nip in the air, the crunch of the leaves, and the pumpkin spice in your coffee mean one thing:  fall has arrived. And as the warm days and nights turn into cool days and chilly nights, you want your heater to be ready. Even if the Old Farmer's Almanac predicts a warmer winter due to El Nino, there are going to be cold, wet, and windy days where the warmth of your home will be welcome. 

Of course, that's only if you request Heating Repair in Dewitt MI now instead of later. If you hold off until the last minute, then you may experience a frigid and dreary time at home until crews make the necessary fixes. Hence, the reason you want to take care of your heating issues now when there are still more mild days over chilly ones. 
To cement this thought in your mind, here are three reasons you need heating repair instead of later.

Scheduling repairs ahead of the oncoming winter results in lower costs. Yes, you may need to pay a few hundred or few thousand dollars if the issues are severe enough. However, if you wait until a cold snap, you'll end up paying higher fees for emergency calls and rapid repairs or replacements.