Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Importance of Heating Maintenance Agreements

During the cold winter months, the  last thing you want is for your heating system to stop working and be stuck waiting for hours, or even days, waiting for a technician because everyone else is having the same problem! Here are a couple of reasons it's so important to have a heating maintenance agreement to prevent that type of situation:

Reduce Costs
Regular maintenance on your heater will keep your system running better for a longer period of time.  It allows you to maximize your initial investment by preventing the premature replacement of a heating system due to failure.  Heating systems that have been serviced on a regular basis last longer, operate more efficiently, and provide maximum performance for years to come.

Maximize Efficiency
As your heating system ages, it will collect dust and dirt in different components.  This can reduce the efficiency of your system by up to 5% each year.  That translates into a system that has to work harder and takes longer to heat your home.  Regular maintenance will help to ensure that your system continues to run at maximum capacity.

Don’t risk losing the ability of heating in Reston VA in the dead of winter.  Look into setting up an ongoing maintenance agreement to ensure that heat is always available when you need it.

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