Monday, May 21, 2018

Reasons Your AC is Malfunctioning

Spring time is here which means many people are just kicking on their air conditioning for the first time in months. Regions that get exceptionally cold fall and winter may not have used their air conditioning since last summer! When you turn on the unit to cool and find there is some malfunctioning going on, there could be some reasons why.

It is never a settling feeling when your AC doesn't work. One reason you might not be getting cool air is that you have dirty air filters. The filters on your unit should be replaced when they get dirty because they can clog up the air ways. This is bad for the system and won't deliver clean and efficient cooling. Always keep a couple filters on hand for when you need to swap them out. Another reason you might not be cooling efficiently is that your thermostat is not meant for your unit. A unit with a mismatched thermostat can be damaging to your unit and cause it to work too hard. Be sure to check in with air conditioning installation in Fountain Hills AZ to get your unit inspected.

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