Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Quick and Painless!

When I had to get a heating repair in Florence SC I wanted to make sure that my heating was energy efficient. Not only did it make sure that I was being cost effective with my heat but that I also was helping the environment. It is really important to me that every little bit counts and I was lucky to have someone help me regulate the amount of energy my heater is using in my home. I don’t need something too crazy or too strong living in South Carolina, but I do want to make sure we are comfortable!

Air Air Air

Anyone who lives in Florida knows that air conditioning in Daytona Beach FL is a must. It isn't always hot here but most of the time it is extremely humid and so it feels hotter than it is. So when my air conditioning was on the fritz I dropped everything to make sure it would be fixed. I couldn't leave it until the summer because if I did I knew that I would be without air conditioning for some of the hottest months of summer! Thankfully, my air conditioning has been fixed and I don’t have to worry about the crazy weather we may have!

Newlyweds in Pittsburgh

My husband and I just got married about six months ago. Before we made our home together, we lived together in Philly PA in separate apartments. It was fun, inconvenient at times for our relationship that was getting more serious by the minute, but definitely practical when you hear that every apartment building we had lived in paid for our utilities. About a month before our wedding, my husband got a new job in Pittsburgh and we had to move away from our family and friends and start something completely new. It was fun house-hunting and imagining what our lives would be like behind four walls in a suburb right outside of Pittsburgh. When we found the perfect house, everything was great, we are newlyweds, everything is new for us and being in a new city was great. Well, it was great until we had a pretty rude awakening. We had been saying that the money we owed on the house wasn't as much as our apartments collectively. We realized we didn't factor in heating in Pittsburgh PA. I really have to find a new way to cut costs and still be warm in these chilly Pittsburgh winters!

Gotta Have Faith

In Florida, if you don’t have air conditioning you’re just asking for it to be more humid than the year before. Of course, I looked into getting a stronger Land O'Lakes FL air conditioning system. Thankfully, you ask and you shall receive. I found a few companies that were installing air conditioning systems that weren't only centralized but were controllable in every room which was something I thought was incredibly unheard of. I was able to address how hot or cold I wanted any room in the house.

One Blanket, Not Two

My family has been planning on coming down to Atlanta for the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration for a few months now. It was the first year that I could finally plan that far ahead and attend most of the events. Of course, as my family was planning on staying the week at my home, the heat broke. People who know about living in the south understand that heatingin Atlanta GA is extremely important. We get chilly down here too! I needed to have an inspection and estimate in the same two day span to allow enough time for my heat to be fixed and would allow my family to sleep with only one blanket instead of two!

Hot Houston Days

Living in Houston, the summer months can be extremely hot. My air conditioning system starting acting up this past summer and I figured that the problem would eventually “work itself out”. Boy was I wrong. I found myself trying to figure out what the issue was by searching online, but couldn't seem to solve the issue. Come to find out, after calling a Houston TX air conditioning professional, my system just needed the coolant topped off. As soon as my system was serviced, my system was back to normal. 

When Nana Comes To Visit

Living in the beautiful state of California, I never think twice about my heater. I rarely, if ever use it! What I wasn't aware of is just because I don’t use it doesn't mean it doesn't have to be serviced to keep running for the far and few in between times I do. Like when my Nana came to visit and complained the whole time about how cold it was in my house. She ended up going to stay with my younger sister, and I was heartbroken! It wasn't my fault I never use my heater, and the one time I needed to use it, it wouldn't turn on! I couldn't let my little sister show me up, so I quickly called our Kern County CA heating experts and had my heater fixed by the next day!  Of course, my Nana came back to stay with her favorite Granddaughter! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Is It Hot Out?

It’s hot outside! While we love the hot weather we don’t like waking up in the middle of the night hot and sweaty, and we doubt you do either! If this is happening to you in Birmingham AL, you might have an air conditioning issue. Call Guin Services today and we will schedule an appointment to have you sleeping comfortably in no time!