Tuesday, November 21, 2017

First Steps to Troubleshooting a Heater That Doesn't Blow Hot Air

One of the worst things that can happen to your heater in the middle of a storm is that it stops working altogether. Most malfunctions are partial and can cause irregular or expensive heating, but sometimes your furnace or heater doesn't produce hot air at all. If your heater just shut down, here's what to do first:

Sometimes you'd rather try to solve the problem instead of calling in a Birmingham AL heating technician. So if your heater isn't working at all, the first step is to check the thermostat. The batteries may have run out of power, or only have enough of a charge to turn the display on. Replace the batteries, even if just to reconnect them. If your display doesn't turn on, or it continues to have an error code or partial display, then it's probably the underlying cause. More advanced thermostats with smart controls can have a few more things to troubleshoot, so make sure the settings are what you want instead of having been restored to defaults.

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