Monday, December 17, 2018

What is an HVAC Zoning System?

Are parts of your home drafty and cold, while other rooms are too hot? An HVAC zoning system may be the solution courtesy of an Air Conditioning Repair professional in Atlanta GA.
A zoning system divides your heating and cooling system into different areas with multiple thermostats. Each thermostat controls the dampers for a specific area of the home. The dampers for each room close when the room reaches the proper temperature. If any of these examples describe your home, a zoning system may be a good investment.
  • Your home has multiple stories. Cold air is often trapped downstairs while warm air stays upstairs. A zoning system can help.
  • Your home has unused rooms. If you have a guest bedroom that stays empty most of the time, there's no need to waste energy keeping it heated when it's not in use.
  • You have rooms with large windows. If your windows aren't well-insulated, cold air can enter the room from outside. A zoning system can keep the room warm without affecting the rest of the house.  

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