Wednesday, September 21, 2016

For Optimal Efficiency, Choose the Right Size Furnace for Your Home

If you've had to deal with furnace repair, or your current system is reaching the end of its life span, you might be considering a replacement soon. Some homeowners might think that getting the biggest furnace available will keep their home toasty warm on the coldest days of winter, but this is one of those situations where bigger isn't always better.

A bigger furnace might have the capacity to heat a larger home, but that doesn't mean it is the best choice for every home. A large furnace has the ability to heat up quickly, but then it will turn off before the thermostat tells it to. That means it will run frequently and in short bursts, which is not only inefficient, but will probably shorten the life span of the furnace. It may also leave your home colder than you desire, since it tends to turn off before the room temperature gets to your desired level.

One way to think about it is if a couple drives around town in a 15-passenger van. They might think that getting the largest possible vehicle is the best choice, but since there's only 2 of them, they are spending a lot of money on space they don't need, as well as wasting money on gas, since it's not as efficient as a smaller vehicle.

If you're thinking about replacing your furnace, it's important to get the right size for your home. Factors such as local climate, the size of your home, window areas, and insulation levels need to be considered when choosing the correct system. It can be a complicated choice, and a reputable heating company has the experience and information to help you choose the correct size for your home.

For many homeowners, upgrading to a more efficient furnace is a wise choice, but it's important to have the right size to realize the savings from a newer, more efficient system. For assistance in deciding on the right furnace for your home, contact a reputable company for heating service in Lorton VA.

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