Friday, September 2, 2016

Three Reasons to Schedule Heating Service in the Fall

Autumn is nearly here. The humidity levels are dropping, and the nights are getting cooler. Before you know it, you'll be turning off your air conditioner and turning up the thermostat in your home. Don't wait until your family is layering on the sweatshirts to schedule your heating service. Following are three reasons why there's no better time than now to make an appointment with an HVAC professional.

It's Comfortable Outside

Your family is no longer cranking the AC for relief from the intense summer heat, but they aren't freezing in their beds at night either. The mild weather in the fall makes it the perfect time to prep your home's heating system for winter. If any problems are detected, they can be dealt with well before winter.

You're Having Your Air Conditioner Serviced

Is an HVAC professional already coming to your house to perform annual maintenance on your central air conditioning system? Why not make it a dual-purpose appointment? If you're having your AC serviced anyway, it could be a convenient time for furnace maintenance as well.

Peace of Mind

Imagine the following scenario: Temperatures suddenly dip below freezing, and your home is very cold. You reach for the thermostat to turn on the heat, but nothing happens when you flip the switch. Don't get caught in the cold -- make sure your furnace is functioning optimally! Scheduling an appointment for heating service will give you peace of mind before winter's arrival.
Regular maintenance can help extend the life of your heating system and keep your family comfortable for the long haul. If you're ready to schedule heating service for your home, make an appointment with your local heating installation Burke VA today!

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