Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Properly Examine your Heating Unit for the Winter

It's becoming that time of year where we switch from using our heat to our AC. We've been focusing on how to make sure your AC system is working well when you first turn it on. However, we also want to focus on how to treat your heating system at the end of the cold season, so it's ready to use in the fall.  These tips were provided by an expert in heat and AC repair in Bowie MD.

  1. Evaluate your furnace's efficiency. As furnaces age, they tend to use more energy, which means your bills will go up. Pull your energy bills from the past several years, or simply call your energy provider to request the information. If you see a rise in costs, your furnace might be to blame. If your furnace is over 15 years old, it might be time to consider a new system.
  2. Check the mechanics. With use, the pilot light, burner assembly, heater exchange, combustion chamber, and more can start to develop wear and tear. In some cases, this isn't just a cause for malfunction, but it can be downright dangerous if carbon monoxide isn't venting properly.
Before you turn off your furnace for the season, take these steps to ensure it will be ready to serve you once the weather turns cold again. If you need help, or professional advice regarding your heating system, contact a local, reputable HVAC contractor.

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