Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Why It's Important to Have Your AC Serviced

For homeowners with a central air conditioning unit, it is always a good idea to get the system inspected each year before the warm weather hits. In the months that the air conditioning is not running, any number of things can happen to the outside unit, the lines, or the blower. Simply turning the air conditioning on and hoping for the best could cause your system to run inefficiently, or even cause more damage if there is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Just like if you haven't exercised or played a sport in a while, you're likely to be rusty when you first try. The same goes for your AC. You can't just expect your AC to turn on for the first time in months and work perfectly. You need to have your AC serviced and let it warm it. If you have any questions or need service, contact a Shrewsbury MA air conditioning expert.

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